Is there a clan war bonus after leaving/being kicked?

A new player joined my clan for the first war. He then attacked number 1, as the enemy base was very easy to get a star, with the particular setup he had.

After he attacked, he left the clan, worried that he would be kicked by our leader.

If we win the war, will he still get a war loot bonus? Would he have received the war loot bonus if he was kicked, instead of voluntarily leaving?

I'll quote from the wikia:

Even if you have left the clan before the war ended, you can still receive the War Bonus if you had successfully attacked at least one base in the Clan War. Any spectators, however, will not receive any War Bonus whatsoever.

And here left includes being kicked.

I was kicked out of my clan during the war and I should have gotten over 800k gold and slider but didn't get any.

So from personal experience I can tell you: no, you won't get any gold!

I've just get kicked after successfully attacked the opponents. I should get more than 900k bonus. but nothing is in my tressaury to collect and war is now ended. so no!