Fallout 4 how to stop dog from opening doors?

Unfortunately, the only thing you can do to get Dog(meat) from opening doors and get in your way, is to tell him to "stay". Don't forget to have him "follow" you later on.

Injuring him is not a very efficient solution, as it takes a long time to critically wound him, and he'll quickly recover to leave even more mayhem in his wake. It's much faster and more reliable to have him stay instead.

One thing I've noticed, is that you can close the door right in your dog's face. He won't attempt to open the door again unless you move away from it. I don't know if that's a reliable method, though, as I've only done it once so far.

Sorry for necro-ing this thread/question.

Since that seriously annoyed me, too, I searched for a solution and this Page showed up pretty much at the top at Google. Therefore, I wanted to share the solution for other users who come here with the same intention.

There's a mod for this (at least for PC) on nexus:

Dogmeat - Doors are NOT for Dogs (No Door Opening) by Ulithium_Dragon
