Sort list using STL sort function

Solution 1:

The standard algorithm std::sort requires random access iterators, which std::list<>::iterators are not (list iterators are bidirectional iterators).

You should use the std::list<>::sort member function.

Solution 2:

std::list has a built-in sort method that you need to use since std::sort only works with random access iterators, whereas std::list::iterator merely belongs to the bidirectional iterator class of iterators.


Also, your operator () should be marked const.

struct SortDescending
    bool operator()(const term& t1, const term& t2) const
        return t2.pow < t1.pow; 

Finally, you don’t need to write your own comparer for that, simply use std::greater<T> (located in the standard header <functional>):


Solution 3:

It seems like the iterator types for Result.poly is missing operator -. std::sort doesn't work with std::list change to Result.poly.sort