Lost iPad doesn't connect to WiFi

A family member's iPad 2 (WiFi), which is connected to my old Apple ID has been locked with a message that says she has to pay $30 to someone online. I said not to pay and I went online, logged into the iCloud account that was attached to the iPad, and removed the Lost status so she could unlock it again.

However, the iPad is still in Lost mode because it can't connect to WiFi (to receive the 'unlost' command from iCloud) and to connect it needs to be unlocked.

There is an option to enter a passcode but the old passcode didn't work.

Any ideas on how I can recover it? Wiping is an option since there isn't much on it anyway.

You can always restore an iPad that’s locked if you have possession of the device and the iCloud account. Also, connecting it over USB to iTunes will often allow you to get it unlocked promptly and on High Sierra - the Mac can share it’s network connection to iOS devices over USB so you don’t even need WiFi on the iPad for it to connect back to the internet and receive an update from iCloud/Apple for the unlock commands that are pending delivery.