Is it possible to put binary image data into html markup and then get the image displayed as usual in any browser?

It's an important security issue and I'm sure this should be possible.

A simple example:

You run a community portal. Users are registered and upload their pictures. Your application gives security rules whenever a picture is allowed to be displayed. For example users must be friends on each sides by the system, in order that you can view someone else's uploaded pictures.

Here comes the problem: it is possible that someone crawls the image directories of your server. But you want to protect your users from such attacks.

If it's possible to put the binary data of an image directly into the HTML markup, you can restrict the user access of your image dirs to the user and group your web application runs of and pass the image data to your Apache user and group directly in the HTML.

The only possible weakness then is the password of the user that your web app runs as.

Is there already a possibility?

Solution 1:

There are other (better) ways, described in other answers, to secure your files, but yes it is possible to embed the image in your html.

Use the <img> tag this way:

<img src="...">

Where the xxxxx... part is a base64 encoding of gif image data.

Solution 2:

If I needed security on my images directory I wouldn't expose the directory at all. Instead my img src attributes would reference a page that would take a userid and an image id as a parameter.

The page would validate that that user did indeed have access to see that picture. If everythings good, send the binary back. Otherwise send nothing.

for example:

<img src="imgaccess.php?userid=1111&imgid=223423" />

Also, I wouldn't use guessable id's. Instead sticking to something like base 64 encoded guid's.

Solution 3:

I'm not sure I understand, but here goes. Instead of serving up static images that reside in an images folder - why couldn't you, using your server side technology of choice, have the images dynamically sent down to the client? That way your server side code can get in the mix and allow or deny access programmatically?

<img src="/images/getImage.aspx?id=123353 />

Solution 4:

You could move the pictures out of the document root into a private directory and deliver them through your application, which has access to that directory. Each time your app generates an image tag, it then also generates a short-lived security token which must be specified when accessing a particular image:

<img src="/app/" />

Chances are very rare that someone will brute force the right token at the right time with the right image. There are at least to possibilities to verify the token in "getImage":

  1. Track all image tags in your app and store records in a database which link the randomly generated tokens and image IDs to the requesting users. The "getImage" action then checks the supplied parameters against that database.
  2. Generate the token as a checksum (MD5, CRC, whatever) over the user ID, the image ID and maybe the current day of the year, and be sure to mix in an unguessable salt. The "getImage" action will then recompute the checksum und check it against the specified one in order to verify the user's access. This method will produce less overhead than the first one.

PHP example:

$token = md5($_SESSION['user_id'].' '.$imageID.' '.$SECRET_SALT.' '.date('z'));