Adjust third person view when inside a workshop area

You can hold down back/select and adjust the field of view variably.

When you are inside a workshop area however, holding back/select becomes our trigger for the workshop menu - meaning we can't adjust the third person's view anymore.

Is there another way of varying the third person field of view whilst in a workshop area?

I was still able to adjust the field of view using the same method as normal.
There appears to be two "holding intervals" which give you two different functionalities. This was tested on my PS4 last night but I see no reason why it should not apply to XBox or PC:

  1. Holding back/select/touchpad and immediately attempting to adjust the view seems to work as normal.
  2. Holding the same button for more than a couple seconds opens workshop mode and does not allow the adjustment of view.

Summary: As long as you don't have a pause between holding back/select/touchpad and adjusting your view, you should have some level of success. Now, I did not check if the workshop forces itself open if you take "too long" adjusting your view...