casting raw strings python [duplicate]

Given a variable which holds a string is there a quick way to cast that into another raw string variable?

The following code should illustrate what I'm after:

line1 = "hurr..\n..durr"
line2 = r"hurr..\n..durr"

print(line1 == line2)  # outputs False
print(("%r"%line1)[1:-1] == line2)  # outputs True

The closest I have found so far is the %r formatting flag which seems to return a raw string albeit within single quote marks. Is there any easier way to do this kind of thing?

Solution 1:

Python 3:


Python 2:


Solution 2:

Yet another way:

>>> s = "hurr..\n..durr"
>>> print repr(s).strip("'")

Solution 3:

Above it was shown how to encode.


This way will decode.



In [12]: print 'hurr..\n..durr'.encode('string-escape')

In [13]: print r'hurr..\n..durr'.decode('string-escape')

This allows one to "cast/trasform raw strings" in both directions. A practical case is when the json contains a raw string and I want to print it nicely.

    "Description": "Some lengthy description.\nParagraph 2.\nParagraph 3.",

I would do something like this.

print json.dumps(json_dict, indent=4).decode('string-escape')