How to run multiple Nginx instances on different port

Okay, I found a solution.

What I did was run a 'master' server, as root, on port 80. From there I add server blocks for each server on their ports with a proxy_pass directive to the server.

  server {
    listen      80;
    charset     utf-8;
    location / {
  server {
    listen      80;
    charset     utf-8;
    location / {

Perhaps there is a more elegant solution but this seems to work well.

Webbrowsers automatically choose port 80 if you don't specify a port. From your explanation it seems like none of the two instances listen on port 80.

What you might want to do is instead serve both and from the same nginx instance using virtual hosts.

If it is possible for you to have multiple ip addresses for your server you can run several nginx instances on port 80 given that you specify different ip-addresses in the listen directive.

An example:

On the first instance:

server {
  listen a.b.c.e:80

On the other instance

server {
  listen f.g.h.i:80

However this will become a pain if you have more than just a couple of users. Also multiple public ip-addresses might be hard to come by.