Accessing an Enumeration association value in Swift
In this code I've written a really useless enum that defines a possible Number
with Int or Float.
I can't understand how can I access the value that I set with the association. If I try to print it I get just (Enum Value)
enum Number {
case int (Int)
case float (Float)
let integer =
let float = Number.float(10.5)
println("integer is \(integer)")
println("float is \(float)")
For sake of completeness, enum's association value could be accesed also using if statement with pattern matching. Here is solution for original code:
enum Number {
case int (Int)
case float (Float)
let integer =
let float = Number.float(10.5)
if case let .int(i) = integer {
print("integer is \(i)")
if case let .float(f) = float {
print("float is \(f)")
This solution is described in detail in:
The value is associated to an instance of the enumeration. Therefore, to access it without a switch, you need to make a getter and make it available explicitly. Something like below:
enum Number {
case int(Int)
case float(Float)
func get() -> NSNumber {
switch self {
case .int(let num):
return num
case .float(let num):
return num
var vInteger =
var vFloat = Number.float(10.5)
Maybe in the future something like that may be automatically created or a shorter convenience could be added to the language.