How many permanent SPECIAL points are available in Fallout 4?

Building a character in Fallout 4 gives you 28 points in total to assign to your SPECIAL attributes during the initial character build - compared to 40 points in Fallout 3/ Fallout New Vegas.

In Fallout New Vegas you could increase your SPECIAL attributes over the course of the game via temporary buffs but you could also permanently increase your attributes using perks and implants. Using all available perks and implants there was a maximum of 61 SPECIAL points available (reference: )

I realise it's day one and we've all got a long way to go but hopefully someone else can answer this question before I can:

How many permanent SPECIAL points are available in Fallout 4?

There are 78 permanent SPECIAL points in Fallout 4.

  • You start off with 28 points.
  • You can find a You're SPECIAL! book in your Sanctuary home for another point.
    • Can only increase a maxed stat if a debuff like alcohol is used to temporarily lower one of your maxed stats
  • You can train all your SPECIAL stats up to 10, so that's 42 remaining points.
  • Additional Bobbleheads (for each specific SPECIAL stat) can be found, 7 points.

You can max out your character with 10 in each SPECIAL trait provided every time you level up you simply choose the appropriate training to increase your stats (as opposed to choosing perks).

Remember, there's no level cap, so you can keep on levelling and start getting other perks later.

enter image description here

So you start off with 28, but you can easily improve all of them to 70, should you choose to only train those perks starting at Level 2.

This means 70 - 28 = 42. Meaning the earliest you could max out all your stats is getting to Level 43, while every time you level up putting points in the stat you want to increase, provided you also don't find any bobbleheads along your way.

Additionally, some perks grant permanent increases in stats at specific times of the day or at a certain HP level, so those are technically also "permanent".