Swift: Global constant naming convention?

Swift 3 API guidelines state that "Names of types and protocols are UpperCamelCase. Everything else is lowerCamelCase."


Ideally your global constants will be located within a struct of some sort, which would be UpperCamelCase, and all properties in that struct would be lowerCamelCase

struct LoginConstants {
    static let maxAttempts = 10

And accessed like so,

if attempts > LoginConstants.maxAttempts { ...}

I've been debating using camel case with a leading capital for class-level constants. For example:

static let MaximumNumberOfLoginAttempts = 10

It's still camel-case (as Apple appears to recommend), but the capitalized leading character makes it clear that the value is immutable.

Apple advocates the camelCase. That said, many use _camelCase just to differentiate it especially if you are likely to have the same name at a lower scope.

I commonly see constants declared with a k, like so:

static let kLoginAttemptsMax = value

This also follows camel casing to a "T".

To improve on @bmjohns answer, it's better to use an enum instead of a struct to act as a namespace for your constants. An enum with no cases can't be instantiated, whereas a struct can. If it is a struct, then instantiating it (via LoginConstants()) is allowed, but that has no meaning and doesn't make sense to do.

The convention is to use enumerations for namespacing, as such:

enum LoginConstants {
    static let maxAttempts = 10

This ensures that the only valid usage of LoginConstants is for accessing its static members.