What is the highest credit per common data crystals ratio available in SWTOR?


My characters are currently holding ALOT of Common Data Crystals (CDC) and since they have better gear than what is available for CDCs, I am looking for ways to transform them into credits.


What is the highest guaranteed credits/CDC ratio available, and how do I get it?

NOTE: As selling on GTN is not guaranteed, I am looking for options that does not include trading/selling with other players.

I decided to do some experimenting, while trying out the Level 8 Shield idea provided in another answer and found the following:

  1. Buy Versatile Armoring 42 from Level 60 Modification Vendor on Fleet, at 2 Common Data Crystals per Armoring
  2. Either wait out the buy back timer (2 hours) or send the Armoring(s) to an alt via in-game mail
  3. Sell the Armoring(s) to a vendor for 1660 credits per Armoring

This yields 830 credits per Common Data Crystal if you wait for the timer to runt out, or 829.625 credits per Common Data Crystal if you send them to an alt (as each mail can hold 8 armorings).


The maximum amount of credits per Common data Crystal is 830 credits/crystal and is achieved by buying Versatile Armoring 42 from the Level 60 Modifications Vendor on Republic/Imperial Fleet.

Lvl 8 shields from lvl 8 equipment vendor

Remove the armoring , then vendor the shield and the armoring

4,4k per 6 CDC