Word to describe 'frak' [duplicate]

Many (particularly sci-fi) shows or books invent words to replace real words, for example 'frak' in Battlestar Galactica replaces the 'F' word to get through censorship.

Is there a word to describe a word like 'frak', a word used in place of another? Not necessarily always replacing a curse word, I'm only using this as an example. My first thoughts were proxy or intimation but that's not quite right.

When it is obvious which swearword is being euphemized, then it is a minced oath (wikipedia):

A minced oath is a euphemistic expression formed by misspelling, mispronouncing, or replacing a part of a profane, blasphemous, or taboo term to reduce the original term's objectionable characteristics. Some examples include gosh instead of god, darn or dang for damn, and heck for hell.

I offer bowdlerism, the noun form of the verb

bowdlerise/ize: to remove passages or words regarded as indecent from (a play, novel, etc); expurgate

Euphemism. Some words familiar to you may have started out that way: gosh, golly and others are actually God, Sheesh is Jesus rather than a kebab, while on the other side you have darn, tarnation and so forth. TANJ.

It is sometime referred to as sanitisation:

To sanitize:

  • To make more acceptable by removing unpleasant or offensive features from: sanitized the language in adapting the novel for television. (AHD)

From (queensjournal.ca)

“Sometimes sanitizing words is a fine thing to do,” Mercier said, adding that it can, in the right context, aid in changing social attitudes for the better.

“There can also be good reason not to sanitize words,” she warned. “We might not want to sanitize ‘F... you’ because sometimes that’s just what you need to use! Some people don’t want to sanitize words because they don’t want them to lose their shock appeal.”


  • Sanitized replacement for "F..." used on "Battlestar Galactica" (Urban Dictionary)