Can't bridge WIFI and ethernet, because wireless disconnects when I connect ethernet cable

Solution 1:

I found this on another website and it worked for me:

"When more than one network connection is available, Windows uses the one with the lowest metric value. By default, it automatically assigns a metric value based on the network connection's rated speed. See An explanation of the Automatic Metric feature for Internet Protocol routes .

To force Windows to use a specific network connection, assign a metric value to each one, giving the lowest value to the desired connection:

  1. Open the Network Connections folder (Start > Run > ncpa.cpl)
  2. Right click the desired connection.
  3. Click Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4.
  4. Click Properties > Advanced.
  5. Un-check "Automatic metric".
  6. Enter a number between 1 and 9999 for the "Interface metric"."

Solution 2:

Some computer have a setting in the BIOS that disconnects WiFi when an Ethernet connection is present.

Or if you have the HP utilities installed check for this setting in Windows.

Solution 3:

Are you trying to hook a PC with no internet connection up through your laptop with the bridging built into Windows? I've done itin XP, but not needed to in Win 7 yet. It should still work though.

Many laptops have settings to automatically disable the WiFi chipset when a connection is made on the Ethernet port. It's done as a power optimization because normally you don't want to use WiFi if an Ethernet connection is available. You'll have to disable that before this works. Different vendors put settings in different places. Check the BIOS, Device Manager (properties of WiFi), or any vendor supplied power managers or optimizers.