Get selected element's outer HTML

I believe that currently (5/1/2012), all major browsers support the outerHTML function. It seems to me that this snippet is sufficient. I personally would choose to memorize this:

// Gives you the DOM element without the outside wrapper you want

// Gives you the outside wrapper as well only for the first element

// Gives you the outer HTML for all the selected elements
var html = '';
$('.classSelector').each(function () {
    html += this.outerHTML;

//Or if you need a one liner for the previous code
$('.classSelector').get().map(function(v){return v.outerHTML}).join('');

EDIT: Basic support stats for element.outerHTML

  • Firefox (Gecko): 11 ....Released 2012-03-13
  • Chrome: 0.2 ...............Released 2008-09-02
  • Internet Explorer 4.0...Released 1997
  • Opera 7 ......................Released 2003-01-28
  • Safari 1.3 ...................Released 2006-01-12

No need to generate a function for it. Just do it like this:

    var s = $(this).clone().wrap('<p>').parent().html();

(Your browser's console will show what is logged, by the way. Most of the latest browsers since around 2009 have this feature.)

The magic is this on the end:


The clone means you're not actually disturbing the DOM. Run it without it and you'll see p tags inserted before/after all hyperlinks (in this example), which is undesirable. So, yes, use .clone().

The way it works is that it takes each a tag, makes a clone of it in RAM, wraps with p tags, gets the parent of it (meaning the p tag), and then gets the innerHTML property of it.

EDIT: Took advice and changed div tags to p tags because it's less typing and works the same.

2014 Edit : The question and this reply are from 2010. At the time, no better solution was widely available. Now, many of the other replies are better : Eric Hu's, or Re Capcha's for example.

This site seems to have a solution for you : jQuery: outerHTML | Yelotofu

jQuery.fn.outerHTML = function(s) {
    return s
        ? this.before(s).remove()
        : jQuery("<p>").append(this.eq(0).clone()).html();

What about: prop('outerHTML')?

var outerHTML_text = $('#item-to-be-selected').prop('outerHTML');

And to set:

$('#item-to-be-selected').prop('outerHTML', outerHTML_text);

It worked for me.

PS: This is added in jQuery 1.6.