Hard drive full with 200GB of used space that I can't find
All of a sudden I've run out of space. On my 250GB hard drive, 236GB is used up with only 13GB free.
I used Finder to find big files. Nothing significant.
I used tools like Disk Inventory X, OmniDiskSweeper and Purple Tree, but according to them I've only used up 40GB.
So somehow 200GB is used up, but I can't see where.
Time Machine isn't running (and never has). The disk has no partitions.
I scanned my drive with DaisyDisk, and as an administrator. (Instructions) I found 187GB in the hidden ".DocumentsRevisons-V100" folder. These are document versions which the OS autosaves (more info). It appears to be from documents primarily from the app Sketch.
Here's how I removed the files.
- Open Terminal
- Paste
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
(This makes all hidden files visible) - Relaunch Finder. You can hold down "Option" and then right click Finder. Click Relaunch.
- Look within the folder Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/ (For me there were a number of underlining folders with lots of files within.)
- Delete the folders and files within.
- Empty the Trash
- In Terminal paste
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO
. This makes hidden files hidden again. - Relaunch Finder again. Click the System Apple top left, then "About this Mac" and then "Storage." Breathe a sigh of relief.
Here's some articles I referred to:
- https://medium.com/@thomasdegry/how-sketch-took-over-200gb-of-our-macbooks-cb7dd10c8163#.kb2yopebo
- http://osxdaily.com/2012/02/20/clear-versions-history-auto-save-cache-data-in-mac-os-x/
- https://dribbble.com/shots/2184593-Sketch-users-Free-up-some-space
- https://www.designernews.co/stories/50043-hard-drive-mysteriously-filling-up
I did it the old fashioned way and created a cron job.
`#!/usr/bin/env bash
export DIRECTORY="/.DocumentRevisions-V100/.cs/ChunkStorage"
if [ -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
# Delete file
rm -rf /.DocumentRevisions-V100/.cs/ChunkStorage/*
With a cron job to remove at noon.
crontab -e
0 12 * * * /bin/bash /SCRIPTS/remove_chunkstorage_sketch.sh