A word that refers to the availability of something moving from the wealthy/businesses to the common man/individuals

The best example I think is computing. The advent of the personal computer made computing available to the individual. I see the term "commoditization" used in conjunction with the idea, but that seems to focus on the economics, not the idea.

For example literacy used to also be something restricted to a privileged few, but has now become available to the common man. I don't think we would say literacy has become "commoditized" in saying it is now something available to the average person.

Solution 1:

From time to time I encounter democratization (Oxford, see def. 2) as a term expressing the spread (the increase of accessibility) of something from a smaller group to a larger one. See related examples below:

  • Democratization of knowledge (Wikipedia)
  • Democratization of technology (Wikipedia)
  • The Democratization Of Data (forbes.com)
  • Democratization of Education for Whom?... (aacu.org)

Might be applicable.

Solution 2:


"The action of making something accessible to everyone."
