Term for how politicians denigrate their opponents to win the support of the populace

As it's election time in UK and some other countries as well, we're used to listening to politicians' oratory. During the speeches we often observe how politicians try to win public support by denigrating their opposition or laying blame on them at times even unfairly and unjustly. Is there a word for this tactic? It may not necessarily relate to politics alone.

Solution 1:

You could say they are using ad hominem arguments, or engaging in ad hominem attacks. It generally means attacking the person rather than their arguments.

(edited after realizing Andy was looking for the word for denigrating, and not just overall lying)

Solution 2:

They could be addressing Strawman arguments

This basically means they're deliberately presenting distorted, exaggerated versions of their opponents' arguments that are very easy to tear apart. For instance:

Senator Jones says that we should not fund the attack submarine program.

I disagree entirely. I can't understand why he wants to leave us defenseless like that.

Sound familiar?

Solution 3:

Depending on the situation, many of these may apply :-)

The Synonym Finder - Page 662 Jerome Irving Rodale - 1978



misrepresentation ... torturing; canard, rumor, hoax, forgery; monstrous lie, the big lie, mendacity, SI. whopper, SI. barefaced lie, SI. dirty lie, SA shameless lie; defamation, scandal, traducement, calumny, calumniation.