How can I export my Ubuntu terminal's color scheme for use on other computers?

How can I export my Ubuntu terminal's color scheme for use on other computers?

I've set up a color scheme that I like and I'd like to put it in a git repo for easy loading from other machines. Any strategy that would make it work in other terminal apps too, such as Konsole?

On the system with the colors and settings you want, run:

gconftool-2 --dump '/apps/gnome-terminal' > gnome-terminal-conf.xml

then gnome-terminal-conf.xml to your git repo.

Then on the other machines, run

gconftool-2 --load gnome-terminal-conf.xml

to set it.

If you're not sure how to use git, see the git tutorial, and for a popular git hosting service.

Note that this method overwrites all settings. Try running

gconftool-2 -R '/apps/gnome-terminal'

to see all the settings that will be affected.