background-size: cover not working on iOS

This happens, particularly on iOS, when you have background-attachment:fixed. On mobile, I usually put background-attachment:scroll inside of a @media query.

As @RyanKimber pointed out, fixed attached images use the whole <body> size. On mobile this can get really tall which blows your image out. Setting the attachment back to scroll allows your cover image to stretch within its own container.

Elaborating on Ryan's answer, without adding any new html node or using @media queries, using only one css.

If you want to keep a cover sized fixed background on all the devices including iOS, without adding a new node, then the trick is to do the fixed positioning on the element (body) itself and not the background, since a fixed background and cover sizing messes up iOS.

It works in production like a charm on iOS as well:

This code won't work, since iOS uses the hight of the document and not the viewport:

body {
      background: url( no-repeat center center fixed;
      -webkit-background-size: cover;
      -moz-background-size: cover;
      -o-background-size: cover;
      background-size: cover;

Now this is the magic, the body:after is fixed, and not the background:

      position:fixed; /* stretch a fixed position to the whole screen */
      height:100vh; /* fix for mobile browser address bar appearing disappearing */
      z-index:-1; /* needed to keep in the background */
      background: url( center center;
      -webkit-background-size: cover;
      -moz-background-size: cover;
      -o-background-size: cover;
      background-size: cover;

I could have used the body itself, with "position:fixed;overflow-y:scroll", but I didn't want to mess with the positioning of the body and my overall layout.

So doing this on the body:after is a very easy fix. I have tested the solution on Mac, and iOS with firefox, safari, chrome.

I also created a github repo with 2 examples for this:

Here's an easy workaround so that the pictures in Safari browsers can be displayed normally (scroll only in Safari browsers instead of fixed in other media)

@supports ( -webkit-touch-callout : none) {
.selector {

@supports not ( -webkit-touch-callout : none) {
.selector {
background-attachment: fixed;