Is it possible to center tables in a markdown file?

I have a table:

    | This | Is | A | Table |
    | :--- | -- | - | ----: |
    | foo  | ba | r | elbaT |

I'd like the table to display in the center of my Markdown file instead of left-aligned. I am not trying to align text, but the entire table itself. Do I need to resort to HTML/CSS to achieve what I want?

This is for an project.

If you use the standard documentation, use the <center> tag like so.



# Tables
Notes API is a *short texts saving* service similar to its physical paper presence on your table.


| Tables   |      Are      |  Cool |
| col 1 is |  left-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is |    centered   |   $12 |
| col 3 is | right-aligned |    $1 |


# Group Notes



If you use the ‘New Documentation’, it's not possible to center a table (since the table takes a full width of the column).


It is simple. As you know the "|-|" is used for indicate the table and ":" is used for indicate the text alignment. If |:-| entered that is a right aligned text column. If |-:| entered that is a left aligned text and if |:-:| entered that is a centre aligned.