Single word antonym of "empathy" [closed]

Antipathy could sometimes be a better antonym than apathy, as could "indifference". It really depends on the context. "Coldness" is sometimes a good antonym for "empathy", for example.

According to the Greek etymology perhaps "apathy" ought to be the antonym to "empathy" , but everyone uses it to mean not being bothered to act. (I once came across an attempt to found an Apathy Society, but no one came to the founding meeting).

There is a word in Aristotle, ataraxia, that means remaining undisturbed by emotions, meant as a good thing (the Buddhist ideal?), but we should note that "empathy" is not actually about emotions at all, but the ability to put oneself in the place of another. That's an intellectual and moral operation, and its opposite is probably solipsism or psychopathy.