Xcode 6 Storyboard the wrong size?

Built a new project from scratch in Swift in Xcode 6 (Beta 1) and have seen some strange behaviour with Storyboards and the output that I am viewing.

I have built a simple interface (as shown below) - with properties of View Controller included. When I run this in the simulator I would expect 'Hello, World' to be central in the user interface - however it seems that this 'Square' is simply being fit into the iPhone screen and thus the wrong view is being shown (see below).

My question is: has anyone else seen this behaviour and how did they fix it?


View from the Storyboard Editor

Attributes Inspector

Size Inspector

Simulator Output

Solution 1:

Do the following steps to resolve the issue

In Storyboard, select any view, then go to the File inspector. Uncheck the "Use Size Classes", you will ask to keep size class data for: iPhone/iPad. And then Click the "Disable Size Classes" button. Doing this will make the storyboard's view size with selected device.

Solution 2:

While Asif Bilal's answer is a simpler solution that doesn't involve Size Classes (which were introduced in iOS 8.) it is strongly recommended you to get used to size classes as they are the future, and you will eventually jump in anyway at some point."

You probably haven't added the layout constraints.

Select your label, tap the layout constraints button on the bottom:

enter image description here

On that menu add width and height (it should NOT be the same as mine) by checking their checkbox and click add constraints. Then Control-drag your label to your main view, and then when you de-click, you should have the options to center horizontally and vertically in container. Add both, and you should be set up.