Using a keyboard/mouse for XBox [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Mouse and Keyboard for XBox 360?

I like first person shooters, but most of my friends play them on consoles (e.g. XBox 360) and I'm a PC gamer. Therefore, I'm used to the keyboard/mouse combo to control movements. I find that I have much more control rather than the continuous movements that a joystick provides. Both a joystick and mouse provide relative movements, it's just that with a joystick, you can hold it down and it will keep spinning, with a mouse there is no equivalent. That's part of the reason why I find a mouse much easier to control than a joystick.

Is there any way I could hook up a keyboard or mouse, or buy some kind of custom joystick that emulates the control that a keyboard/mouse gives you for console games? I'm mainly interested in a solution for the Xbox.

I should be able to play on the same console as my friends that are using the traditional joysticks; I'm not looking for a solution where we would play with each other online somehow (e.g. me on a PC and them on an Xbox). We should be able to play the same game together offline.

Solution 1:

By snooping around a bit, I've stumbled across the XIM.

While I would not normally buy into taglines on a product's site (the XIM declaring itself to be "The Highest Precision Xbox 360 Mouse and Keyboard Gaming Adapter in Existence"), I did get there after coming across this amazingly elaborate guide.

The guide explains how to build your very own XIM (this seems like a rather complex process, and one of the building blocks is actually an XCM XFPS), and explains what makes it such an accurate keyboard/mouse adapter. The guide seems to have been written rather passionately, which certainly lends to the credibility of its claims.

The guide is from 2008, so I imagine modern XIMs are even better than the one it shows how to build (assuming the instructions are still viable).