How to check if an element is in an array

In Swift, how can I check if an element exists in an array? Xcode does not have any suggestions for contain, include, or has, and a quick search through the book turned up nothing. Any idea how to check for this? I know that there is a method find that returns the index number, but is there a method that returns a boolean like ruby's #include??

Example of what I need:

var elements = [1,2,3,4,5]
if elements.contains(5) {
  //do something

Solution 1:

Swift 2, 3, 4, 5:

let elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
if elements.contains(5) {

contains() is a protocol extension method of SequenceType (for sequences of Equatable elements) and not a global method as in earlier releases.


  • This contains() method requires that the sequence elements adopt the Equatable protocol, compare e.g. Andrews's answer.
  • If the sequence elements are instances of a NSObject subclass then you have to override isEqual:, see NSObject subclass in Swift: hash vs hashValue, isEqual vs ==.
  • There is another – more general – contains() method which does not require the elements to be equatable and takes a predicate as an argument, see e.g. Shorthand to test if an object exists in an array for Swift?.

Swift older versions:

let elements = [1,2,3,4,5]
if contains(elements, 5) {

Solution 2:

For those who came here looking for a find and remove an object from an array:

Swift 1

if let index = find(itemList, item) {

Swift 2

if let index = itemList.indexOf(item) {

Swift 3, 4

if let index = itemList.index(of: item) {
    itemList.remove(at: index)

Swift 5.2

if let index = itemList.firstIndex(of: item) {
    itemList.remove(at: index)