closing words for e-mail to person with incurable disease [closed]

What kind of closing words as an alternative to

We wish you full and quick recovery

can be used in a formal letter when writing to a person with an incurable disease.

I/We wish you all the best for a good and efficient treatment so that you can continue your personal and private projects for a long time

Is something like this appropriate?

Thanks, B.

My advice for determining what the appropriate closing lines should be is to reverse the situation, and imagine that you are the person with the terminal illness (assuming that "terminal illness" is what you mean by "incurable disease") and that the person you are writing to is instead writing to you. Now, what would you think appropriate for that person to say to you, and what would you like that person to say?

If your relationship is formal and not particularly close, you might not want the person to say much in closing beyond "Best wishes." If your relationship is work-related but strong and genuinely warm, you might like to hear something like "I think of you often and am grateful for your friendship and for the opportunity to have worked with you and learned from you. Thank you for being such a positive force in so many people's lives."

If I were the terminally ill person, I would be touched by a sincerely expressed appreciation, but I would have little patience for artifice whether in the form of false optimism or of false intimacy. Life is too short for that kind of stuff. You know your relationship with the dying person, so you are in the best position to gauge the nature and extent of your feelings for each other. Use that knowledge honestly and judiciously, and you can't go far wrong.

I find your alternative a bit too long for an ending message.

Is something like

We wish you good continuation and warmest regards.

fits you?

It is a solution where you don't talk about the forced treatment.

If you want to talk about the treatment, what about :

We wish this treatment will ease your pain and the success in your projects.