How can I move Steam's download folder?

By default, Steam downloads games to the home directory.

On my laptop, my home partition's size is only 15GB; therefore, I'd like Steam to download its games to my Data partition instead, which is much larger.

How can I achieve this?

Just move the folder to the data partition and create a symlink in its old place pointing to the new location. Something like this:

mv ~/Steam /mnt/Data/Steam
ln -s /mnt/Data/Steam ~/Steam

In Steam's case, there are a few extra files that you should move:

cd ~/.local/share
mv Steam/ /mnt/Data/Local-Steam
ln -s /mnt/Data/Local-Steam Steam

You can choose another drive directly in Steam. But than you have to choose this drive at every Download.

To change the default Download folder, i don't think symlink is the best way.

Just quit Steam (important!) and move the entire Steam folder to another location

mv ~/.local/share/Steam /new/path

and start Steam again. It says something like "can't find Steam, did you move it?" and than you can choose the new folder location.