Is there a way to convert SWF animations to movie files on Linux?

Solution 1:

While not the best option, you could try compiling gnash yourself and passing the --enable-gui=dump flag.

To do this, I downloaded the latest gnash from

  1. Extract with tar -xf gnash-0.8.10.tar.gz

  2. Change into the extracted directory cd gnash-0.8.10

  3. Run ./configure --enable-gui=dump

  4. Run make

But to do this, you will need basic development tools (GCC, GNU Make) and some libraries like FFMPEG, boost and agg (but you can install these from your distribution, no need to compile yourself, otherwise you would be compiling for a while). I may have left a few libraries out, but ./configure should tell you if you are missing something.

You can then run ./gui/dump-gnash [options] movie_file.swf.