How to transfer files between Android and Ubuntu? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

I gave up trying to get MTP support on Linux for the moment.

Here is the solution I use now:

  1. On your Android device, install FTP Server (it's free and open source)
  2. On your Ubuntu computer, install Filezilla
  3. Make sure both your computer and your Android device are connected to the same WiFi network
  4. On Android, launch FTP Server, and check "Running". It will provide you an IP and a port.
  5. In Filezilla, connect to yoru Android device using these information, and ftp/ftp as login/password (you can change this in FTP Server if you want)
  6. You can then navigate into your device from your Ubuntu computer! I usually use this to transfer music on my Android Samsung Galaxy S3 (I put it in /storage/extSdCard/ directory)

Solution 2:

This android version uses MTP (Multimedia Transfer Protocol) and PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol). Ubuntu doesn't come with MTP support installed. Install gMTP and you can transfer the files.