Cocoapods ld: library not found for -lPods-Projectname

Fixed it by deleting the -lPods-Projectname.a in Link Binary (for newer versions, delete the -lPods-Projectname.a under the Frameworks group).

Whenever I execute "pod install" it leads me to spend several hours of fixing something related with it. So, I deleted CocoaPods stuff and do not have problems any more! Now I am lucky and happy man.

The exact location that you should remove your libs is at:

  • Remove -lyourlibname.a in "Link Binary With Libraries" on "Build Phases" of your target.

You can try "Build Active Architecture Only" = YES . it may be solving problem.

Ensure that Build Active Architectures Only settings for both of your project and the Pods project were equal for debug and release configuration! That's was a problem in my case.