Error Xcode 6 --> Error SourceKit terminated. Editor functionality temporarily limited [duplicate]

Sometimes I get this error in Xcode 6 and the canvas turns white.

enter image description here Am I the only one this happens to, or is it a bug?

Solution 1:

I still have this issue.

I have a working solution:

If you are targeting on iOS8, switch the deployment target to iOS7,

If this issue happen again, switch the deployment target to iOS8,

If this issue happen again, switch the deployment target to iOS7,

If this issue happen again, switch the deployment target to iOS8,




Hope this help you.


Seems this is better solution:

Quite Xcode, and delete all the folders in the DerivedData directory

Solution 2:

I use Xcode 6 beta5, when I declare member as lazy, it will show this error when I enter new line. It works when I remove the keyword lazy.

class PointZoomingView : ZYZoomingView, CMPopTipViewDelegate
    private ***lazy*** var pointButtonList: [PointButton] = []

    var hwRate: Double! = 1

[UPDATE] If your [PROJECT_NAME]-Bridging-Header.h import a non existing header file, the SourceKitService will be Terminated frequently

Solution 3:

SourceKit appears to simply be very, very bad.

The list of problems above contains a number of possible causes; beta software, code being updated across releases (created in one version, edited in another), problems with IB connections, bridging or issues with override and/or lazy.

Well I'm using the release version of Xcode 6.1. The code was created in this version. There isn't a single use of overrides, lazy or bridging. It does file handling, and doesn't have a single IB connection (yet). The code is entirely devoted to opening text files and parsing them, using the most basic Cocoa primitives, mostly NSString.

SourceKit crashes every couple of minutes. It crashes so often and randomly I cannot determine any sort of pattern. One issue appears to be if an existing line of code contains a reference to one type and then changes to another, but that's definitely not sure-fire nor the only cause. (Update: crashes with every 10th or so keystroke now)