Does room size affect how much damage deathclaws will do in a room?

It seems like with roughly equivalent dwellers in my first two rooms, the smaller room takes less damage. It seems like they spend less time in smaller rooms?

Solution 1:

It's hard to say for sure with deathclaws since it's not easily repeatable, but for other hazards (Fire, Radroaches, Molerats) the smaller and less upgraded a room is the easier the hazard is to solve. I've tested this fairly extensively while doing the "Rush X rooms successfully", "Put out X fires" and "Solve X Incidents" objectives.

I have noticed deathclaws stay in my 3 wide room longer then the 2 wide room after it, but have not done any testing on different upgrade levels (both were max upgraded before Deathclaws started attacking me.) however based on other hazard durations I'd say chances are good having a series of Unupgraded Level 1 rooms w/ two badasses in each would be your best bet in dealing with deathclaws.