Old Mac Tank Game - Bolo [closed]

I really miss Bolo, haven't played it in over a decade. Is this game still out there and can it still be played multiplayer? I'd love to throw an old games LAN party that featured it.

According to the Wikipedia page you linked, "Mac OS X" is one of the platforms it can be played on. Multiplayer requires AppleTalk, which means OSX 10.6 and above can't be used.

There are also Windows and Linux clones.

nuBolo can be used natively on modern Mac machines. It actually contains code from the original Bolo so it's a perfect clone, unlike the win or linux variants.

If you're still aiming to run it under another system with networking, I would bet on running Bolo in an emulated System 7 image. You can do this pretty easily with Basilisk II (great for running all sorts of System 7-era games, btw). There's also a Basilisk for osx if you end up going that route and want to network between windows/osx machines. nuBolo is likely incompatibile with the original.