Is there a way I can rename Trash to Crap?

Solution 1:

Yeah, you can abuse the translations system to do this.

Make a temporary text file using gedit

gedit /tmp/foo.po

and enter this text into it:

msgid "Trash"

msgstr "Crap"

Change to /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES

cd /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES

And then apply changes

sudo msgfmt -o /tmp/foo.po

Now restart unity to make the changes take effect.

unity --replace


Solution 2:

From the Freedesktop Trash Specification:

For every user a “home trash” directory MUST be available. Its name and location are $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash ; $XDG_DATA_HOME is the base directory for user-specific data, as defined in the Desktop Base Directory Specification .

So, no. It seems there is no way to rename the directory.

However, you can make a soft link with the name you want, and then hide the Trash directory:

ln -s ~/.local/share/Trash ~/.local/share/Crap
echo Trash > ~/.local/share/.hidden

Not every file explorer will honor this .hidden file, for example the terminal itself. However, it seems to work properly on Nautilus.