Skip some tests with go test

Solution 1:

Testing package has SkipNow() and Skip() methods. So, an individual test could be prepended with something like this:

func skipCI(t *testing.T) {
  if os.Getenv("CI") != "" {
    t.Skip("Skipping testing in CI environment")

func TestNewFeature(t *testing.T) {

You could then set the environment variable or run CI=true go test to set CI as a command-local variable.

Another approach would be to use short mode. Add the following guard to a test

if testing.Short() {
  t.Skip("skipping testing in short mode")

and then execute your tests with go test -short

Solution 2:

Like VonC said, you can use +build tags

┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ ls
a_test.go  b_test.go  c_test.go

a_test.go :

package tags

import "testing"

func TestA(t *testing.T) {}

b_test.go :

// +build !feature1

package tags

import "testing"

func TestB(t *testing.T) {}

c_test.go :

// +build !feature1
// +build !feature2

package tags

import "testing"

func TestC(t *testing.T) {}

Then run the test with the -tags parameter :

┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ go test -v . | grep PASS:
--- PASS: TestA (0.00 seconds)
--- PASS: TestB (0.00 seconds)
--- PASS: TestC (0.00 seconds)
┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ go test -v -tags feature1 . | grep PASS:
--- PASS: TestA (0.00 seconds)
┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ go test -v -tags feature2 . | grep PASS:
--- PASS: TestA (0.00 seconds)
--- PASS: TestB (0.00 seconds)

// Update : different logic :


// +build all

package tags

import "testing"

func TestA(t *testing.T) {}


// +build all feature1

package tags

import "testing"

func TestB(t *testing.T) {}


// +build all feature2

package tags

import "testing"

func TestC(t *testing.T) {}

┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ go test -v -tags all | grep PASS:
--- PASS: TestA (0.00 seconds)
--- PASS: TestB (0.00 seconds)
--- PASS: TestC (0.00 seconds)
┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ go test -v -tags feature1 | grep PASS:
--- PASS: TestB (0.00 seconds)
┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ go test -v -tags="feature1 feature2" | grep PASS:
--- PASS: TestB (0.00 seconds)
--- PASS: TestC (0.00 seconds)

Or you call specific tests by name like :


package tags

import "testing"

func TestA1(t *testing.T) {}
func TestB1(t *testing.T) {}
func TestC1(t *testing.T) {}
func TestD1(t *testing.T) {}


┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ go test -run="(A|B)1" -v | grep PASS:
--- PASS: TestA1 (0.00 seconds)
--- PASS: TestB1 (0.00 seconds)
┌─ oneofone@Oa [/t/tst-tag]                                                                                                      
└──➜ go test -run="D1" -v | grep PASS:
--- PASS: TestD1 (0.00 seconds)