Switch between windows by name on OSX

Solution 1:

I tried grgarside's solution but his link timed out for me.

Ended up on Packal and found Swift Window Switcher

It only requires you to use it w name instead of window name and it also populates with Safari tabs. It, too, requires Accessibility permissions.

Still requires Alfred, which is paid, but it seems like the best solution I could find.

Alfred Searching for Chrome, returning this question as an open window

Solution 2:

I implemented this functionality in a spoon for Hammerspoon. Fully open-source:


Type the hotkey, then it will show you a list of all windows (except current), either in general or in the current application (one command each).

You can then select the window by typing a substring of the title or application and/or using arrows (or Ctrl+P, Ctrl+N)

It even works across workspaces and with full-screen windows.

Solution 3:

I was (am) looking for a simple, one-trick, open source solution. Still looking.

But I did find a closed-source app that does what I need: allows me to switch between windows by typing any part(s) of app and/or window name:


Not free. Not open source, has to be allowed to "control your computer" via Accessibility features.

I also tried Alfred; it cannot do this out of the box (but a workflow could probably be created).