Git access to private repository using HTTPS

Trying to clone a private repository I have access to using HTTPS protocol, as that is only allowed outgoing traffic.

git does not ask for passwords, just failed.

error: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden while accessing

What am I missing ?

Did you try inserting the username (and optionally password) in the clone URL?

 git clone https://[email protected]/blah/blahblah.git

or if you accept the consequences of storing your password in plain view:

 git clone https://username:[email protected]/blah/blahblah.git

See this thread with a lot of good info:

How to provide username and password when run "git clone [email protected]"?

EDIT: My original answer was just a quick fix, without understanding the full history of the asker, and it also works unattended, but for best security practices its better to let Git store your password. See @phpguru's answer: as well.

The answer by @mrjoltcola should work, but if you would prefer not to place your github password in your server's bash_history in plaintext on the command line then you can omit the password and be prompted for it:

git clone https://[email protected]/organizationname/reponame.git

I like that better.

If you are using two-factor authentication, you go to this link first:

Create a token, and then use it as the password:

git clone https://username:[email protected]/blah/blahblah.git