Can I switch religions to that of a conquered opponent?

I'm playing America/Hinduism, and just conquered Ethiopia/Christianity, but the strength of the Christianity has taken over all of my cities. All I can do with religion is build Pagodas and great people.


  • Do I get any benefits from a conquered opponent's religion?
  • If no, is there a way to 'switch' my state religion to that of a conquered opponent?
  • Is there a way to completely kill off a conquered opponent's religion? I tried sending an Inquisitor to the capital, but the religions pressure did not change and within three turns that city was its original religion again.

Solution 1:

  • The only benefits you receive from a religion founded by another civilization are the benefits from the Follower Beliefs in each city that has the religion, which affect the city directly rather than the owner of the religion.
  • There is no way to change your state religion, nor to adopt one of an opponent if you didn't already have one. You're stuck with either the one you found yourself, or none at all.
  • While it is possible to overwhelm an opposing religion such that it's not the majority religion in any city, that religion's Holy City will always exert pressure for its religion, meaning it can never be fully removed from the game. Further, a Holy City can never be razed. If your religion is strong enough, you might be able to keep the rival Holy City locked down, but it could be difficult.