How to print to console using swift playground?

Solution 1:

In Xcode 6.3 and later (including Xcode 7 and 8), console output appears in the Debug area at the bottom of the playground window (similar to where it appears in a project). To show it:

  • Menu: View > Debug Area > Show Debug Area (⌘⇧Y)

  • Click the middle button of the workspace-layout widget in the toolbar

    workspace layout widget

  • Click the triangle next to the timeline at the bottom of the window

    triangle for console

Anything that writes to the console, including Swift's print statement (renamed from println in Swift 2 beta) shows up there.

In earlier Xcode 6 versions (which by now you probably should be upgrading from anyway), show the Assistant editor (e.g. by clicking the little circle next to a bit in the output area). Console output appears there.

Solution 2:

you need to enable the Show Assistant Editor:

enter image description here

Solution 3:

Just Press Alt + Command + Enter to open the Assistant editor. Assistant Editor will open up the Timeline view. Timeline by default shows your console output.

Additionally You can add any line to Timeline view by pressing the small circle next to the eye icon in the results area. This will enable history for this expression. So you can see the output of the variable over last 30 secs (you can change this as well) of execution.

Solution 4:

You may still have trouble displaying the output in the Assistant Editor. Rather than wrapping the string in println(), simply output the string. For example:

for index in 1...5 {
    "The number is \(index)"

Will write (5 times) in the playground area. This will allow you to display it in the Assistant Editor (via the little circle on the far right edge).

However, if you were to println("The number is \(index)") you wouldn't be able to visualize it in the Assistant Editor.

Solution 5:

As of Xcode 7.0.1 println is change to print. Look at the image. there are lot more we can print out. enter image description here