How does browser know when to prompt user to save password?

Solution 1:

Based off what I have read, I think Firefox detects passwords by form.elements[n].type == "password" (iterating through all form elements) and then detects the username field by searching backwards through form elements for the text field immediately before the password field (more info here). You might try something similar in Javascript and see if you can detect your password field.

From what I can tell, your login form needs to be part of a <form> or Firefox won't detect it. Setting id="password" on your password field probably couldn't hurt either.

If this is still giving you a lot of problems, I would recommend asking on one of the Mozilla project's developer mailing lists (you might even get a response from the developer who designed the feature).

Solution 2:

I had the same problem and found a solution:

  1. to make the browser ask to store the password, user name and password boxes must be in a form and that form must be actually submitted. The submit button could return false from the onclick handler (so the submit does not actually happen).

  2. to make the browser restore the previously stored password, the input boxes have to exist in the main HTML form and not be created through javascript dynamically. The form can be created with display:none.

It's necessary to note, that the password is filled immediately upon the page is loaded and is present there during the whole session, so it can be read by injected javascript: it makes such attacks much worse. To avoid this, forwarding to a separate page just to log in is reasonable, and it solves all problems for which you started to read this topic :). As a partial solution I clear the fields upon submitting the form - if the user logs out and wants to log in again, the password is not filled by the browser, but that's minor to me.


Solution 3:

You should look at the Mozilla Password Manager Debugging page and the nsILoginManager docs for extension writers (just for the nitty gritty technical details of how Firefox deals with password management). You can dig into the answers there and other pages linked there to find out more than you probably ever wanted to know how the password manager interacts with sites and extensions.

(Specifically as pointed out in the password manager debugging doc, make sure you don't have autocomplete set to off in your html, as that will suppress the prompt to save the username and password)