How do I send a file with FileZilla from the command line?

I have a batch file that builds an application, and then I want to upload it to an FTP server from the command line.

Considering I do the upload manually with FileZilla, is there a command line for it to upload files?

I am limited to Windows.

Solution 1:

FileZilla does not have any command line arguments (nor any other way) that allow automatic transfer. See:
Command-line arguments (Client)

Though you can use any other FTP client that allows automation.

For example, WinSCP:

A typical WinSCP script (script.txt) for upload looks like:

open ftp://user:[email protected]/
put c:\files\*.* /home/user/

To run the script use: /ini=nul /log=ftp.log /script=script.txt

The WinSCP can generate a script from an imported FileZilla session.

For details, see the guide to FileZilla automation.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Solution 2:

You can use Window's built-in FTP client to do this. You don't need FileZilla.

open *computer_name*
send *local_file* {remote file}