What data does the PS3's backup utility preserve?

My PS3's Blu-Ray drive died yesterday, and I will probably just end up getting a new console.

I plan on using the Data Transfer Utility as outlined in this question's answer to preserve all my data. However, I would also like to backup everything first using the Backup Utility just to be on the safe side.

When I tried running the utility with a 4GB disk-on-key plugged in, it said I need around 14GB of additional storage. The only thing I really want to preserve are my save-files which probably take less than 20MB (I don't want to copy them one-by-one manually for fear of leaving something behind), so I was wondering just what it is that the backup utility is trying to back up other than save files. Assuming it's nothing I care about, I'll be able to delete it and proceed with the backup.

The Backup Utility will backup everything, the only limitation is that copy-protected items will not restore on a different PS3 machine than the machine they were backed up from. (Reference)

So to use the Backup Utility on a 4GB USB key you would probably need to first delete everything except your game saves, i.e. all your music, videos, photos and game installs/patches.

However, I would also like to backup everything first using the Backup Utility just to be on the safe side.

Be aware though: Apart from using the Data Transfer Utility, the only way to copy copy-protected saved games is by using the PSN+ cloud service. If you're a PSN+ member, I recommend using this feature to ensure your important saved games survive to your new PS3.

Somewhere on my CECHC PS3 it says I can back it all up for transfer to another PS3 and it will also copy copy potected stuff. I do not think you can use this though because it will most likely format your PS3 HDD after it finishes backing up the whole system and everyting onto your backup Flash/USB/HDD. Never tried it but it the only solution I know of, if you want trophy info and save games just use the normal backup procedure, trophy info has to be synced using PSN. I have PSN+ so not sure if this can be done without sub to +. Hope this helps. http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/settings/backuputility.html