How to configure embedded Tomcat integrated with Spring to listen requests to IP address, besides localhost?

I am trying to run the example from the spring guide : Building a RESTful Web Service .

It works well if I open localhost:8080/greeting.

But it cannot make connection if I open either, or instead, despite both IPs are actually used by my computer on the internet.

Could someone suggest me how to configure the embedded Tomcat in Spring to accept HTTP request on other IP addresses, besides localhost(that is,

Thanks! :)

Solution 1:

In order to specify a which IP you want Tomcat to bind too, I believe you can simply add the following to your


Replacing <your_ip> with the IP address you want it to listen on. This, and other basic properties, can be found in the Spring Boot Reference Guide, Appendix A.

The other way to configure the embedded Tomcat is to create a custom configurer in code by implementing the EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer interface. You can read more about this in the Spring Boot Reference Guide, Section 55.5-55.8.

Solution 2:

Simply add in file:


Solution 3:

  1. Try adding this to java parameters:

  2. Run the query from curl: curl -vvv -X GET ""

If the 1. doesn't help, then most likely your firewall / proxy prevent the connection. Curl should give proper indication of that