What does it mean when someone says "noted" to you?

Actually this is not a bad question.

When you make a statement and the reply comes back "Noted," you can assume that you have been over-sharing, discussing topics the other person finds objectionable or uncomfortable, or violating some other social taboo.

It is a one-word way of saying, "I don't wish to discuss this and I wish you would stop talking about it."

Additional tidbit: The New Yorker magazine uses this in their end-of-article squibs in precisely this manner. They find some odd or borderline-offensive bit of published text and put after it the one-word comment: "Noted."

Noted is slang for, "I have taken note." Its meaning in context would depend on the speaker's tone of voice.

In my experience, when people have said, "Noted," or, more often, "So noted," it means that they have heard me, or pretended to have heard me, and that they have no intention of acting on my issue. It's an approach some people use to foreclose further discussion. It's dismissive. It means you're not going to get anywhere.