Turn off the link hover statusbar in Google Chrome

I want to turn off the feature where whenever I hover over a hyperlink and in the bottom lefthand corner it shows a light blue hover tooltip about where that link goes.

Why do I want to turn it off? It's annoying to me. I am distracted as I work. None of the other browsers do it. Besides, it serves little purpose because it can be spoofed with the onmousedown event on a link. Take for instance ads on Facebook -- those spoof.

I really don't care where a given link goes and wish I could turn that feature off, even if I have to install a Google Chrome Extension.

So, is there a fix to turn the annoying link hover tooltip feature off?

Solution 1:

You cannot turn off the status bar.

Most of the time you're not even supposed to see it. It only shows up when it needs to. It's more convenience than security since you can spoof it with JavaScript.

Even if you didn't want it to appear every time you hover over a link, it's one feature that you just can't turn off.

Solution 2:

On Windows 10 on a second screen (with horizontal task bar on) it hides the status text (gets pushed off the screen).

Was annoying me as I sometimes need to review a link, and suddenly I couldn't see it. If I move Chrome to my primary screen (vertical task bar on) the hover works again.