Read Stata 13 file in R

There is a new package to import Stata 13 files into a data.frame in R.

Install the package and read a Stata 13 dataset with read.dta13():


dat <- read.dta13("TEAdataSTATA.dta")

Update: readstata13 imports in version 0.8 also files from Stata 6 to 14

More about the package:

There's a new package called Haven, by Hadley Wickham, which can load Stata 13 dta files (as well as SAS and SPSS files)

library(haven) # haven package now available on cran
df <- read_dta('c:/somefile.dta')


If you have Stata 13, then you can load it there and save it as a Stata 12 format using the command saveold (see help saveold). Afterwards, take it to R.

If you have, Stata 10 - 12, you can use the user-written command use13, (by Sergiy Radyakin) to load it and save it there; then to R. You can install use13 running ssc install use13.

Details can be found at

Other alternatives, still with Stata, involve exporting the Stata format to something else that R will read, e.g. text-based files. See help export within Stata.


Starting Stata 14, saveold has a version() option, allowing one to save in Stata .dta formats as old as Stata 11.

In the meanwhile savespss command became a member of the SSC archive and can be installed to Stata with: findit savespss

The homepage continues to work, but the program should be installed from the SSC now, not from the beta location.