Is there a hotkey to gain a point in a skill without clicking the icon?

I was watching a video on YouTube this morning and it seemed that the player was able to spend his skill points without actually moving his mouse to the little icons and clicking. In DotA it was definitely possible using the hotkeys, but does League of Legends support something like this?

Is there a keyboard shortcut to select which skill to level up?

Hold down Ctrl while hitting the hotkey for that skill to level it up.

You can also change the hotkey commands by highlighting the box under 'Secondary' and clicking the key you want to use. I like it a lot better than using shift or ctrl because it's a lot faster.

Example - Quite often in mid lane whoever reaches level 6 first and engages will most likely win. Therefore, I can set the level up 'R' skill as the A key or something to level it up quicker instead of having to click Ctrl-R.

It's very useful and has gotten me many kills.

In addition, I do not Shift-QWER to smartcast. I change the smartcast hotkeys directly to Q/W/E/R on certain champions who utilize smartcast well (Usually Bursters) such as Leblanc and Talon.