Tricks to speedup startup time? Windows 7 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How can I reduce Windows 7 boot times?

What can i do to make my computer load up faster? i could swear it was a lot faster in the past. My suspicion is the windows updates. Someone recommended soluto but it still takes over a minute 10 and i am sure it use to take <=45 seconds

Is there anything i could do? if i ever format my comp for any reason should i not get the window updates? enter image description here

Solution 1:

I don't think the updates are the problem. The "53 applications run in your boot" may be more of an issue. Check out Sysinternal's Autoruns. It can show you everything that's currently configured to run at boot time so you can selectively disable what you don't need (or at least what you don't need starting up instantly ).

enter image description here

A defragment once in a while doesn't hurt either ;)

Solution 2:

If I were you, I would check out TweakHound. Determine how hard you want your machine tweaked (still pretty, or can you handle no-Aero?). They tell you what you're doing, and what'll be the side effects. You can disable extra services/startup items [which speeds your machine a lot], and they give you a list of what to disable, so you don't mess up your machine.

Primum non nocere (First, do no harm) This guide is not a strip down the OS to the bare bones gamers guide. The intent of this guide is to allow you to tweak the system while maintaining full functionality. Yes, there is stuff you can uninstall, turn off, or disable and I will show you how to do that. But (those who followed my previous guides have seen this before), there is one thing I would like you to keep in mind. I've always believed that Sir Isaac Newton's 3rd Law, commonly phrased as "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" applies to just about everything in life. It applies to tweaking as well. Every time you make a change it costs something. I'll let you know what that something is. For example, turning all the eye-candy off can result in more available system resources but may lessen the user experience.