Chrome Download Attribute not working

Solution 1:

After some research I have finally found your problem.

<a> download attribute:

If the HTTP header Content-Disposition: is present and gives a different filename than this attribute, the HTTP header has priority over this attribute.

If this attribute is present and Content-Disposition: is set to inline, Firefox gives priority to Content-Disposition, like for the filename case, while Chrome gives priority to the download attribute.


HTTP-Header Content-Disposition

Solution 2:

Reading the comments, I had the same issue as @buffer-overflow and found this in the issue:

I'm guessing that the web page and the download are on different origins. We no longer honor the download attribute suggested filename for cross origin requests. Clicking on the link still initiates a download. But the the filename is only derived from factors solely dependent on the server (e.g. Content-Disposition header in the response and the URL).

So no chance I could make it work ... :(

Solution 3:

I had this problem with wordpress, the problem is that wordpress generates the full path of the file, and in the a tag you have to remove the full domain name and add a relative path

Example, instead of:

<a href="" download="file.mp4" >

You have to do this:

<a href="/wp-content/uploads/file.mp4" download="file.mp4">

This will make it work

Solution 4:

I have a simple solution regarding this issue. You just need to put your html file into a server like Apache using xampp control and so on. Because the download attribute is properly working through a server.

<a download href="data:application/octet-stream;base64,PD94ANDSOON">Download Me</a>