pseudo-inverse to the operation of turning a metric space into a topological space

The construction of turning a metric space $(X,d)$ into a topological space by inducing the topology generated by the open balls gives rise to a functor $Met\to Top$ for any reasonable category $Met$ of metric spaces. Of course not every topological space is metrizable and thus there can't possibly be an inverse functor. My question is whether one can enlarge the category $Met$ to some category $M$ in a sensible way and so that there is an embedding $Met\to M$ together with a functor $M\to Top$ which extends the open balls topology construction $Met\to Top$, such that $M\to Top$ has some sort of pseudo-inverse functor $Top\to M$. In particular, is it possible for $Met \to Top$ to have a (left or right) adjoint with nice properties (e.g., being a (co)reflection).

The context for the question is curiosity as to the following situation. The problem of classical metrizability is very well studied. There are some variants on what one means by metrizability (i.e., do we demand the metric to be symmetric or not, separated or not, etc.) that can slightly enlarge the class of metrizable spaces but still far from allows a pseudo-inverse. Other possibilities for enlarging $Met$ is to consider probabilistic metric spaces. The category of probabilistic metric spaces is a very natural category to consider and ordinary metric spaces embed in it. It seems that the problem of when a topological space is probabilistically metrizable is not so well-studied, and I wonder why. I also wonder then if one can further weaken the notion of metrizability to finally come up with a single category as in my question above.

Solution 1:

So, here is what I found out. The Bing-Nagata-Smirnov theorem can be seen as answering the question by restricting $Top$ to a subcategory which is metric like. A construction of Flagg can be seen as answering the question by enlarging $Met$ to a category that is topology like. I collected these observations into a short note.

Edit: The note will appear in the short communications of Algebra Universalis.

Solution 2:

It's just a possible attack direction:

I would consider the profunctors $J^*:Top\not\to Met$ and $J_*:Met\not\to Top$ where $J:Met\to Top$ is the 'open ball' functor you want to start with. I prefer to view profunctors $A\not\to B$ as their collages, ie. 'bipartite' categories themselves, containing disjoint copies of $A$ and $B$ and with additional arrows ('heteromorphisms') from objects of $A$ to objects of $B$.

In this sense, each metric space $X$ will have $J(X)$ as its coreflection to $Top$ in $J^*$, and its reflection to $Top$ in $J_*$.

For $J$ having a left/right adjoint means exactly that $J^*$ [resp. $J_*$] also has the (co-)reflection property in the other direction. I.e., I would look at exactly which top.spaces have (co)-reflections to $Met$ in $J^*$ and $J_*$.